Children’s Ministry
“Let the little children come to Me, and do not forbid them; for of such is the kingdom of heaven.” (Matthew 19:14) NKJV
Children are our most precious members! They are the future of our church. Many services and ministries are offered to children ages 3 years old through 13 years old (Elementary and Middle School Ages).
Saints Ministry Sunday School Classes (Elementary School Age)
3-year / Pre-K Class: Every Sunday at 11:30 am
KG / 1st Grades Class: Every Sunday at 11:30 am
2nd / 3rd Grades Class: Every Sunday at 11:30 am
4th / 5th Grades Class: Every Sunday at 11:30 am
Sunday School Coordinator: Moheb Mina |(717) 654-7434
Angels Ministry Coordinator: Miranda Bassilly | (717) 875-1774
Angels Ministry Coordinator: Mariam Guirguis| (717) 701-7617
Disciples Ministry Sunday School Classes (Middle School Age)
6th – 8th Grades: Every Sunday at 11:30 am
Sunday School Coordinator: Moheb Mina |(717) 654-7434
Disciples Ministry Coordinator: Mariam Eskander | (717) 826-1466